News Release TPB considers actions to reduce injuries and fatalities on region's roadways June 17, 2020 The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is considering a set of recommendations to...
News Release Commuter Connections offers new resources for area employees during transition back to the workplace June 16, 2020 Commute with Confidence clearinghouse provides recommendations, safety tips to help commuters navigate the new commuting landscape.
TPB News Here's what happened at the May TPB meeting May 26, 2020 The May TPB meeting was held completely virtually due to the COVID-19 precautions. While there were no action items on the agenda, the board heard briefings on...
TPB News What's the market potential for MARC-VRE run-through service? May 26, 2020 What if Virginia Railway Express (VRE) and the Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) service continued beyond Washington Union Station? In 2019, the...
News Release Residents urged to keep safety in mind on area streets and highways May 13, 2020 Though recent shelter-in-place orders to defend against the spread of COVID-19 have reduced traffic and turned the region's roadways into empty thoroughfares,...