TPB News Here's what happened at the virtual April TPB meeting April 21, 2020 The April TPB meeting was held completely virtually due to the COVID-19 precautions. These precautions primarily have required people in the Washington region...
TPB News The TPB approved 15 projects to help create more livable communities April 21, 2020 At its April meeting, the Transportation Planning Board approved projects for the Transportation Land Use Connections (TLC) Program. This year, there is...
TPB News Here's what's coming up at the virtual April TPB meeting April 7, 2020 The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet virtually at noon on Wednesday, April 15. The official agenda and all meeting materials will be posted...
TPB News How did people get to the airport in 2019 and how much were they willing to spend? April 7, 2020 The 2019 Washington-Baltimore Regional Air Passenger Survey (APS) showed that customer parking has declined at the Washington-Baltimore region’s airports in...
TPB News TPB's work goes on, from home March 24, 2020 TPB staff, just like many other people across the region have been working from home in response to COVID-19. Almost all COG and TPB staff have been...