TPB News, Visualize Equity and safety headline an action-packed TPB meeting July 28, 2020 At its July meeting, the TPB took a series of actions focused on equity, safety, and making it easier for people to get around the region by foot or by bike. At...
News Release TPB adopts regional roadway safety policy, calls for equity-focused actions July 22, 2020 The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) adopted a regional roadway safety policy on Wednesday, endorsing a set of shared actions to...
TPB News, Visualize TPB staff identify 49 places to improve access to transit July 14, 2020 Better paths for walking and biking are important everywhere. But we also know that certain places need greater focus to do the greatest good. The TPB’s Transit...
News Release Commuter Connections recognizes three employers for excellence in commute alternative programs June 23, 2020 Abt Associates, United Therapeutics Corporation, and ANA Enterprise are recognized virtually at the 23rd annual Employer Recognition Awards Ceremony.
TPB News Roadway safety and equity headlined the June TPB meeting June 23, 2020 At its June meeting, the TPB held a robust discussion focused on equity and safety regarding a raft of recommendations from the Regional Safety Study. The...