TPB News The TPB will set Transit Safety Targets for the first time September 22, 2020 The TPB is working on preliminary regional Transit Safety Targets as part of the federally required Performance Based Planning and Programming. This is the...
News Release Pledge to go car free on September 22 by teleworking, biking, walking, and more September 17, 2020 Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, residents, workers, and students are poised to safely participate in the region's annual Car Free Day event on Tuesday,...
News Highlight Regional surveys explore COVID-19 impact on telework, commuting September 16, 2020 Regional officials and experts are working to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on commuting and the workforce as they plan for an eventual full...
TPB News Check out the draft update to the TPB's Participation Plan September 8, 2020 TPB staff is currently updating its Participation Plan. This plan guides staff interactions with the public so the public knows and understands how it can...
TPB News These bike and pedestrian projects in MD will further regional safety goals July 28, 2020 The TPB approved funding for bike and pedestrian projects in Maryland to promote biking and walking and make roadways safer. At its July meeting, the TPB...