TPB News Bus Transformation Project: A better way to get there October 23, 2018 In September, Metro and its partner jurisdictions and transit agencies launched the Bus Transformation Project with the goal to create a bold, new vision and a...
TPB News, Visualize The TPB approved Visualize 2045: Here's the recap of the October meeting October 23, 2018 At its October meeting the board approved Visualize 2045 as the region’s new long-range plan. The approval included four separate actions by the board. First it...
News Release, Visualize Area leaders approve new long-range transportation plan, Visualize 2045 October 17, 2018 The TPB approved Visualize 2045, the long-range transportation plan for the region, which includes 600 highway and transit projects totaling $291 billion; plus...
TPB News, Visualize How will a million more people get around in 2045? October 10, 2018 Our region is forecasted to have more than a million new people and a million new jobs by 2045. How will they all get around? What are the plans to provide for...
News Release Don't miss out on great Car Free Day prizes September 21, 2018 Join the thousands of metropolitan Washington area commuters who have taken the Car Free Day pledge to drop their keys to reduce their carbon footprint and win...