TPB News Newly funded bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland advance regional priorities July 24, 2018 The TPB approved more than $1.2 million in funding for four bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)....
TPB News, Visualize How will the TPB's 7 initiatives become a reality? July 24, 2018 At it’s July meeting, the TPB continued its ongoing discussions about how to support projects, programs, and policies to implement the seven initiatives it...
News Release Transportation Planning Board approves funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland July 16, 2018 The Transportation Planning Board (TPB) approved more than $1.2 million in funding for four bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland through the...
Region Forward Blog, Visualize Map shows where people with different occupations in the metro D.C. region live July 11, 2018 COG has developed a mapping application that looks at job and residential patterns, including who currently lives near their jobs and who lives further away,...
News Release Commuter Connections honors employers for commitment to better commutes June 26, 2018 Three area employers took top honors at the 21st annual Employer Recognition Awards, hosted today by Commuter Connections, a program of the National Capital...