TPB News, Visualize TPB analyzed Visualize 2045 for how it may impact low-income and minority communities January 15, 2019 Now that Visualize 2045 has been approved, the TPB must examine if the plan would have any disproportionately high and adverse impact on low-income or minority...
TPB News, Visualize TPB advances work on Visualize 2045 aspirational transportation initiatives December 20, 2018 At its December meeting, the TPB approved a resolution to begin work on implementing the aspirational initiatives from Visualize 2045, the region’s new...
News Highlight Transportation Planning Board Elects Prince William County Board Supervisor Martin Nohe as 2019 Chairman December 19, 2018 TPB elected its officers for 2019, including Prince William County Supervisor Martin Nohe as TPB Chairman, and City of Frederick Alderman Kelly Russell and...
Region Forward Blog Celebrating 10 years of regional climate and energy progress and looking ahead to the next decade November 28, 2018 At its November 2018 meeting, the Climate, Energy, and Climate Policy Committee celebrated the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the National Capital Region...
TPB News, Visualize 13 ways the region can reach its transportation aspirations November 27, 2018 At a work session prior to the November TPB meeting, subject-matter experts from the TPB’s subcommittees presented recommendations for how to implement five of...