Document Regional Obesity Issue Brief January 31, 2005 In January 2005, COG in conjunction with Kaiser Permanente and the Consumer Health Foundation sponsored the Summit on Healthy...
Document 2191 TAZ Reference Maps for Cooperative Forecasts November 17, 2004 These maps in PDF fomat are to be used for locational and reference purposes with the current Round of Cooperative Forecasts. The companion data...
Document Housing Data Survey October 30, 2004 The Housing Data Survey is conducted at the beginning of each year and requests data from the previous calendar year (January through December). The...
Document Land Cover/Land Use Map within the Metropolitan Washington Region: 1999-2000 Landsat 7 Imagery June 2, 2004 This is a Land Use / Land Cover map depicting forests, cropland, park land, water features and urban and countryside development in the over 3000 square mile...
Document Increase in Developed Land Map within the Metropolitan Washington Region: 1986-2000 June 1, 2004 This map shows the increase in developed land via increase or change in impervious surface over 3 time periods; 1990, 1996 & 2000 using 1986 as the base...
Document Can You Afford to Live Here? A look at housing costs and wage in the metropolitan Washington region. May 11, 2004 This report examines the relationship between hourly wages and the cost of rental housing in metropolitan Washington, D.C.
Document Smart Growth Begins at the Local Level April 15, 2004 This multimedia CD-ROM was developed to inform and educate elected officials, civic groups, the...
Document Time To Act February 13, 2004 The TPB has identified $13.2 billion in total unfunded transportation needs over the six year period from 2005 to 2010 in the
Document Employee Alcohol Abuse: Is It Costing Your Government Money? September 18, 2003 Health care spending has been on the increase since the late 1990's. Employers are searching for ways to manage these costs and the associated reasons for...
Document Finding A Way Home: Building Communities with Affordable Housing December 1, 2001 This document gives an overview of the key regional problems with regard to affordable housing. Endorsed by the COG Board of Directors, Finding A Way Home...