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  • Foreclosure_report_FINAL

    Foreclosures in the Washington DC Region

    June 19, 2008

    According to this study done by the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University for COG and Freddie Mac, Metropolitan Washington now has one...

  • hoarding

    Hoarding: A Dangerous Secret

    October 11, 2006

    Hoarding of objects and animals is a significant problem facing the Washington, DC metropolitan region. This report which examines hoarding in the region,...


    What If the Washington Region Grew Differently?

    October 1, 2006

    The Transportation Planning Board launched the Regional Mobility and Accessibility Study in 2001 to examine the impacts of alternative transportation and...

  • infocus_cover

    In Focus: A Look at Economic and Demographic Characteristics

    January 1, 2006

    In Focus is a series of in-depth analyses on member jurisdictions in the Washington region. These newsletters contain economic and demographic data...

  • toolkitaff

    Toolkit for Affordable Housing Development

    December 14, 2005

    The Washington Area Housing Partnership presented their Toolkit for Affordable Housing Development at the Council of Government’s December 14th Annual...

  • Document

    Childhood Obesity Guide

    November 23, 2005

    Listings and descriptions of community, school and state based programs and resources. A project of the Metropolitan Council of Governments and the Institute...

  • COG-web-cover-pic

    Metropolitan Washington Annual Regional Housing Report

    June 30, 2005

    The "Regional Housing Report" has been created to track housing trends throughout the COG member jurisdictions. Initially released...

  • hsppscover1

    Assisted Housing Survey

    March 1, 2005

    The Assisted Housing Survey was developed at the request of members of the Regional Housing Choice Directors Committee.  Data collected through the...

Results: 67 documents found.