Document State of the Region: Economic Competitiveness Report January 13, 2016 After decades of strong growth fueled by the federal government, data in recent years shows a significant economic slowdown in metropolitan Washington. To...
Document Child Welfare News September 28, 2015 Newsletter covers the activities of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Child Welfare Program.
Document Joining Forces to Combat Foreclosure: A Look Back at the Capital Area Foreclosure Network July 10, 2014 The Capital Area Foreclosure Network (CAFN) was formed as a partnership between the Council of Governments and the Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington...
Document Ending Homelessness Together: A Summary of 10 Year Plans to End Homelessness in the Metropolitan Washington Region February 12, 2014 Homelessness is an issue that affects every jurisdiction in the metropolitan Washington region. According to the annual Point-in-Time regional...
Document Place + Opportunity: Strategies for Creating Great Communities and a Stronger Region January 8, 2014 Place Opportunity: Strategies for Creating Great Communities and a Stronger Region is an initiative by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments...
Document Regional Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resource Directory November 13, 2013 This directory is designed to provide service providers and public health professionals with an easy-to-use reference of mental health and substance abuse...
Document Activity Centers Maps January 13, 2013 Activity Centers are the locations that will accommodate the majority of the region’s future growth and play a central role in achieving the Region...
Document Economy Forward: COG's Call to Action for a More Competitive Metropolitan Washington September 12, 2012 Region Forward is COG’s vision for a more accessible, sustainable, prosperous and livable metropolitan Washington. This report, Economy Forward, is an...
Document Green Building Trends April 14, 2011 How Green Building Impacted the National Capital Region Between 2003 and 2009
Document Foreclosure Monitor Reports March 22, 2011 Foreclosure monitor reports for the metropolitan Washington area as well as individual jurisdictions.