Document Visualize 2045 Air Quality Conformity Analysis October 17, 2018 This report documents the air quality conformity analysis of the financially constrained element of the Visualize 2045 long-range transportation plan...
Document FY 2019-2024 Transportation Improvement Program October 17, 2018 The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a 6-year financial program that describes the schedule for obligating federal funds to state and local...
Document Performance-Based Planning and Programming: Regional System Performance Targets July 18, 2018 The Regional System Performance Report includes the regional performance targets for several federal performance measures, Travel Time Reliability (TTR)...
Document Performance-Based Planning and Programming: Regional Pavement and Bridge Condition July 18, 2018 The Regional Pavement and Bridge Condition Report includes the regional performance targets on these federal performance measures. The report provides...
Document Performance-Based Planning and Programming: Regional Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Performance Plan June 20, 2018 The Regional Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Performance Plan includes the regional performance targets concerning this federal performance...
Document Washington DC-MD-VA 2008 Ozone NAAQS Marginal Nonattainment Area Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan December 20, 2017 The District of Columbia, the State of Maryland, and the Commonwealth of Virginia request that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)...
Document Long-Range Plan Task Force Reports December 20, 2017 The TPB Long-Range Plan Task Force identified a limited set of regionally significant projects, programs, and policies above and beyond what is in the...
Document Air Quality Conformity Analysis of the 2016 CLRP Amendment and the FY 2017-2022 TIP October 18, 2017 This report documents the assessment of the 2016 Amendment to the Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP) and the FY 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program...
Document Bus Lane Enforcement Study June 30, 2017 The Washington, D.C. region ranks as one of the most congested metropolitan regions in the United States. While all road users experience congestion and...