Document The Future of Housing in Greater Washington September 11, 2019 This is a report on the effort by area officials and housing and planning directors to work together at COG to address the region's unmet housing needs....
Document Washington-Baltimore Regional Air Passenger Survey Geographic Findings Report April 8, 2019 The Washington-Baltimore Regional Air Passenger Survey Geographic Findings Report summarizes the following data based on geographic distribution: patterns of...
Document Performance-Based Planning and Programming: Regional Transit Asset Management Targets February 22, 2019
Document TPB Version 2.3.75 Travel Model Documentation February 6, 2019 The TPB Version 2.3 Travel Model, Build 75, also known as the Version 2.3.75 Travel Mode became the adopted travel model on October 17, 2018.
Document TPB Version 2.3.70 Travel Model Documentation February 6, 2019 The TPB Version 2.3 Travel Model, Build 70, also known as the Version 2.3.70 Travel Mode became the adopted travel model on October 18, 2017.
Document Performance-Based Planning and Programming: Regional Highway Safety Targets January 16, 2019 The Regional Highway Safety Report includes the regional performance targets on this federal performance measure. The report provides detailed information...
Document Regional Bus Service Provision Study December 27, 2018 Bus service in the Metropolitan Washington region is provided by over ten different agencies, each with its own geography, cost drivers, funding structure,...
Document Update to the Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan for the National Capital Region December 19, 2018 The Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan, which was approved by the Transportation Planning Board in 2018, was updated to guide funding...
Document Traffic Incident Management Enhancement in the National Capital Region November 14, 2018 A COG Traffic Incident Management Enhancement Task Force (TIME Task Force) report containing seven priority recommendations to improve the quick and safe...