The region has come a long way in addressing its air quality and other environmental challenges. But additional work remains in order to protect public health, sensitive ecosystems, and expensive infrastructure from the effects of air and water pollution and climate change.
To address these concerns, the TPB regularly forecasts future vehicle-related emissions of several common air pollutants and coordinates efforts to keep those emissions below approved regional limits. Through its regional Green Streets Policy, the TPB is promoting and coordinating approaches to roadway design that mitigate runoff after heavy rains, which can pollute and damage local waterways. And together, COG and the TPB are working to identify strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ways to adapt to the effects of climate change that are already underway or seen as inevitable.
News & Multimedia
January 29, 2020
All major projects in the financially constrained element of Visualize 2045, the region's long-range transportation plan.
Updated March 2020.
January 17, 2018
The TPB approved new additions as well as changes to existing regional transportation projects for inclusion in an air quality analysis. The analysis is the the...
October 18, 2017
At its monthly meeting, the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) approved...
January 18, 2017
A Multi-Sector Working Group (MSWG) of subject matter experts from local governments and regional and state transportation, planning, and environmental agencies...
June 7, 2016
What do a redesigned New Hampshire Avenue with bike and bus lanes in Takoma Park, a spruced-up 19th Street NW with a raingarden and benches in the District of...