News Highlight TPB opens public comment period through November 12, 2016 October 13, 2016 On October 13, 2016, the TPB released for public comment the draft 2016 Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP) Amendment, the draft FY2017-2022...
TPB News The 2016 CLRP Amendment will take center stage at the Oct. 19 TPB meeting October 11, 2016 The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet at noon on Wednesday, October 19. The main event at the meeting will be a series of briefings on this...
TPB News How proximity to transportation options affects how you get around—and where you choose to live or work October 11, 2016 A new slice of data from the TPB’s latest State of the Commute survey paints a picture of the relationship between how close people live to various...
TPB News Finding a carpool just got easier—and faster September 27, 2016 CarpoolNow is a new free app that matches drivers and riders through their smartphones in the way that ride-hailing companies find you a driver. Commuter...
TPB News ICYMI: Sept. 21 TPB Meeting September 27, 2016 The TPB took no formal actions at its September 21 meeting. However, it did receive informational briefings on a number of items, including the launch of a new...