Visualize Visualize 2045 public outreach kicks off in D.C. June 19, 2017 The first wave of public outreach for Visualize 2045, a new long-range transportation plan for the National Capital Region, got underway Saturday, June 17, at...
News Release COG Board adopts principles to guide work to help restore the Metro system June 14, 2017 The principles will guide the work of a COG Metro Strategy Group of elected officials, who are focused on securing funding to meet the system’s capital needs.
TPB News Enhanced Mobility grantees share the secrets to their success June 13, 2017 About every two years the TPB plays a key role in selecting and awarding federal grant funding to projects and initiatives throughout the region aimed at...
TPB News Getting from 80 to 10: An update on the Long-Range Plan Task Force's "winnowing" June 13, 2017 At its most recent meeting, on June 7, the task force began the process of winnowing down a list of more than 80 different ideas it identified in brainstorm...
TPB News Freight corridors, a special birthday, and more coming up at the June 21 TPB meeting June 13, 2017 The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet at noon on Wednesday, June 21. The official agenda and all meeting materials will be posted on the...