TPB News Transit within reach: Prioritizing station areas for walk and bike improvements July 30, 2019 Better paths for walking and biking are important everywhere. But where should we consider such improvements to be regional priorities? Walking and biking...
News Release Area governments conduct exercise to evaluate public health emergency response July 22, 2019 Area public health, public information, law enforcement, and emergency management officials participated from July 17-20 in Capital Fortitude, a full-scale...
TPB News Walksheds show planners how easily people can walk to transit July 16, 2019 Planners assume that on average, a person can be expected to walk about ten minutes to get to a destination like a train station. That’s typically about a half...
News Highlight Remembering George Wickstrom July 3, 2019 Many in COG’s Department of Transportation Planning have said that he was a big part of their professional and personal lives during his 25 years of service...
TPB News Enhanced mobility grantees share best practices to meet regional transportation needs June 25, 2019 At a COG-hosted forum on May 29, grantees were invited to gather and share their ideas and experiences improving transportation for people with limited mobility...