TPB News Transportation Land-use Connections Program projects will help create more livable communities April 26, 2021 The TPB on April 21 approved 11 small planning projects that will help build and enhance vibrant communities where it is easy to walk, bike, and take transit.
News Release Pedestrians, bicyclists make up one-third of traffic fatalities across metropolitan Washington April 19, 2021 The pandemic shutdown saw fewer motorists on metropolitan Washington roads last year, but still 98 people were killed in traffic crashes while walking and...
TPB News, Visualize The first public comment period for the Visualize 2045 update is now underway April 13, 2021 The first public comment period for the Visualize 2045 update is now underway. Now that the agencies have submitted their projects, programs, and policies for...
News Highlight Staff Spotlight: Karen Armendariz captures the many 'Voices of the Region' April 5, 2021 The TPB recently released the findings of its Voices of the Region Survey. COG Public Engagement Specialist Karen Armendariz helped design the survey to capture...
TPB News Four travel trends from the TPB's Regional Travel Survey March 23, 2021 The RTS is a once-a-decade snapshot of regional travel patterns and how these patterns have changed over time. Unlike other TPB travel surveys, the RTS provides...