
Bid Details

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RFP 21-003 Regional Homeless Services Racial Equity and Systems Analysis

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Government is seeking proposals from vendors with demonstrated knowledge of racial equity and experience with homeless services data analysis, meeting facilitation, working with diverse stakeholders, including consumers and local governments, and coordinating with partners across multiple jurisdictions to draft a regional set of recommendations to center racial equity in our shared efforts to end the experience of homelessness. The process and outcome will be geared towards producing a holistic and integrated system, as opposed to simply making recommendations for equity ‘add-ons.’


Addenda #1 and #2 were published on November 16, 2020, answering questions submitted through the deadline for questions. No further questions will be accepted.

Contact Information:

Questions concerning the solicitation should be directed via e-mail to


10/28/2020 - 11/24/2020

Awarded Company