Long-range forecasts provide data necessary for analyzing the effects of growth, developing policy responses to regional issues, ensuring air quality conformity of transportation plans, and determining the demand for public facilities.
COG provides regularly updated population, household, and employment forecasts for use in its planning and modeling activities as well as by the Transportation Planning Board and other state, regional, and local agencies. COG's Growth Trends report provides a summary and highlights of the forecasts. Established in 1975, the cooperative forecasting program enables local, regional, and federal agencies to coordinate planning activities using common assumptions about future growth and development. Each series of forecasts constitutes a “Round”, and each round covers a period of 20 to 30 years.
News & Multimedia
February 14, 2013
New forecasts released yesterday show metropolitan Washington’s population growing by more than 30% over the next few decades reaching nearly seven million...
February 13, 2013
Projected growth underscores the need for well coordinated land use and transportation decisions in metropolitan Washington.
January 9, 2013
Many of the Activity Centers are expected to experience major growth in coming decades, including areas around the Silver Line in Virginia, Green Line in...
January 8, 2013
Regional leaders voted today to approve an updated set of Activity Centers for metropolitan Washington.* These 141 Centers include existing urban centers...
January 8, 2013
When local planners gathered more than 20 years ago to forecast how many people would be living and working in the Washington region in 2010, they...