Long-range forecasts provide data necessary for analyzing the effects of growth, developing policy responses to regional issues, ensuring air quality conformity of transportation plans, and determining the demand for public facilities.
COG provides regularly updated population, household, and employment forecasts for use in its planning and modeling activities as well as by the Transportation Planning Board and other state, regional, and local agencies. COG's Growth Trends report provides a summary and highlights of the forecasts. Established in 1975, the cooperative forecasting program enables local, regional, and federal agencies to coordinate planning activities using common assumptions about future growth and development. Each series of forecasts constitutes a “Round”, and each round covers a period of 20 to 30 years.
News & Multimedia
October 7, 2013
On September 27 many of metropolitan Washington’s elected officials business leaders and regional planners got together for a frank conversation about the...
August 1, 2013
Last month the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments approved an update to the Cooperative Forecast of employment households and population. The...
July 10, 2013
At the July COG Board of Directors meeting, Donna Edwards (D-MD 4th District) stressed that “all Metro stops must be ready to embrace transit-oriented...
June 18, 2013
Between 2005 and 2011, the Washington region's population swelled by nearly 350,000 people to around 5.1 million -- an increase of 7.3%. But during the same...
March 14, 2013
Washington now that the sequester is officially here what does it mean for your community? Will you see the value of your home decrease in a similar way to...