As part of Region United: Metropolitan Washington Planning Framework for 2030, COG is making available a wide array of resources, including funding opportunities, staff expertise, and interactive tools, to help propel this work forward.

Climate Planning Technical Assistance—Support provided by COG and its consultants on local climate and energy planning as well as local electric vehicle and zero emission fleet plans and policies.
EV Deployment Clearinghouse—A resource to support COG member local governments on EV deployment within their government operations and community-wide.
Housing Affordability Planning Program (HAPP)—COG grant program supporting planning initiatives and projects that could increase the amount and affordability of housing near transit. Funded through the Amazon Housing Equity Fund.
Regional Roadway Safety Program—TPB program providing short-term consultant services to assist with planning or preliminary engineering projects that address roadway safety.
Transit Within Reach (TWR) Program—TPB program funding design and preliminary engineering projects to help improve bike and walk connections to existing or planned high-capacity transit stations.
Transportation Alternatives (TA Set-Aside) Program—TPB program providing grants for pedestrian and bicycle facilities, including sidewalks, crosswalks, trails, and safe routes to school projects, as well as community improvements, historic preservation, and environmental mitigation.
Transportation Land Use Connections (TLC) Program—TPB technical assistance program providing short-term consultant services to local jurisdictions for small planning projects that promote mixed-use, walkable communities and support a variety of transportation alternatives.
Climate and Energy Action Plan—Plan recommending actions to help move the region towards meeting its 2030 climate mitigation and resiliency goals.
Regional Fair Housing Plan—Initiative to ensure that the region is better aligned in its efforts to expand housing choices so that all people can choose to live in communities with access to quality jobs, schools, housing, and transportation options.
Visualize 2045 Aspirational Initiatives—The TPB’s long-range transportation plan includes Aspirational Initiatives that have the potential to significantly improve the region’s transportation system performance, if funded and enacted. The following Aspirational Initiatives have informed the planning priorities in this framework: Bring Jobs and Housing Closer Together, Improve Walk and Bike Access to Transit, and Complete the National Capital Trail Network.
DMV Climate Partners—Website for educating area leaders and residents about efforts underway to fight climate change, locating funding for climate projects, or engaging with local climate-focused groups and events. Members may also subscribe to receive a free newsletter.
EEAs/HCTs Maps and Data—Website for exploring regional and jurisdiction-specific maps of EEAs and HCTs, data on demographic characteristics of EEAs, forecast growth in HCTs, and more.
Future of Housing in Greater Washington—Report on the COG housing targets effort, including the analysis to determine the amount of housing needed to address the regional shortfall.
New Narrative for Housing—Messaging playbook providing guidance to area leaders on how to talk about housing solutions in a time of uncertainty and change, linking housing with better health outcomes, a stronger economy, and greater equity.
Racial Equity Cohorts—Professional development program organized by COG and the Government Alliance on Race and Equity for local government staff members to develop new policies and practices to help advance equity.
TPB Climate Change Mitigation Study of 2021—Scenario study to assess ways to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the on-road transportation sector to meet regional climate goals.