To advance metropolitan Washington’s sustainability and address climate change at the regional level, the COG Board set a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal for 2030. The 2030 goal calls for a 50 percent reduction in GHG emissions below baseline levels—or 2005 emission levels. Meeting the 2030 goal will require an unprecedented set of collaborative actions, across sectors and at all levels of government, as outlined in COG’s 2030 Climate and Energy Action Plan developed by its Climate, Energy, and Environment Policy Committee.
COG is helping its member governments accelerate action toward this regional goal by assisting on local climate and energy action plans and electric vehicle (EV) fleet policies and plans. For example, some have contracted COG staff to help with market research and data analytics, workshops, coalition building, or planning related to government operations or community-wide engagement activities, and have used COG's cooperative contract for planning support from consultants.
The jurisdictions partnering with COG on these efforts can be found in the map below. Learn more about local and state climate plans and initiatives that support the region’s shared climate goals through DMV Climate Partners, a partnership coordinated by COG.
Governments Partnering with COG on Local Climate, Energy, and EV Planning

CONTACT: Jeffrey King, COG Climate, Energy, and Air Program Director,