Document Enhanced Mobility Program Case Studies April 24, 2023 The case studies describe projects receiving U.S. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Section...
Document Commuter Connections Work Program This document provides information on an alternative commute program for the metropolitan Washington region called “Commuter Connections.” The...
Document Commuter Connections Guaranteed Ride Home Survey Report September 20, 2022 This report presents the results of a survey (GRH survey) of commuters who currently participate or who have participated in the past in the regional...
Document Air Quality Conformity Analysis of the 2022 Update to Visualize 2045: Full Report June 15, 2022 This report documents the air quality conformity analysis of the 2022 update to the Visualize 2045 long-range transportation plan and FY2023-2026...
Document Visualize 2045: A Long-Range Transportation Plan for the National Capital Region June 15, 2022 Visualize 2045 Update (approved June 2022) The federal government requires that this plan is updated every four years. The...
Document FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program June 15, 2022 The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a 4-year financial program that describes the schedule for obligating federal funds to state and local...
Document Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan for the National Capital Region May 18, 2022 The reports examine the status of bicycling and walking in the National Capital Region, including existing facilities, programs, mode share, and current...
Document COVID-19 Travel Monitoring Snapshot May 10, 2022 These reports illustrate how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted travel in metropolitan Washington between March of 2020 and December of 2022. The charts show...
Document Regional Travel Survey In-Depth Analysis April 22, 2022 Following the release of the preliminary results of the 2017/2018...
Document Commuter Connections Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program Elements Revised Evaluation Framework March 15, 2022 The Commuter Connections Program, in concert with program partners, is responsible for implementing a package of Transportation Demand Management (TDM)...