
Selection Criteria

The criteria that the Selection Committee will use for the 2023 solicitation was established as part of the 2018 update to the Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan for the National Capital Region. Additional details on the criteria can be found in the Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan document.

  1. Coordination Among Agencies (25 points)

Applications that include coordination of services with other organizations will score up to 25 points.

  1. Responsiveness to TPB's Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (20 points)

This criterion has two parts: 1) "Priority projects" will receive up to 12 points; and 2) Applications that address multiple “strategies” will score up to 8 points.

  1. Institutional Capacity to Manage and Administer an FTA Grant (20 points)

This criterion considers agency capacity, financial stability and, if applicable, past grant performance.

  1. Project Feasibility (15 points)

Are the proposed activities consistent with the objectives of funding and achievable within the 2-year timeframe? Is the work plan clear regarding how the project will be implemented, and concise?

  1. Regional Need (5 points)

Applications that include service or programs in more than one county or city will score higher than projects that serve a single jurisdiction.

  1. Equity Emphasis Areas (5 points)

Does the project propose to serve Equity Emphasis Areas within the eligible urbanized area? Equity Emphasis Areas interactive map

  1. Customer Focus (10 points)

To what extent does the applicant’s proposal demonstrate a strong awareness of the needs of the individuals for whom the project is intended? How will customers be included in the project’s development and/or implementation? 

Total Maximum Points: 100