National Capital Region Transportation Plan
The transportation planning process is continuous. Ongoing work at the TPB and by partner transportation agencies throughout the region contributes to the next update of the National Capital Region Transportation Plan. The plan provides a snapshot in time of the region's transportation network, transportation and related issues that present challenges to livability today or possibly in the future, priority projects and services within a reasonable financial outlook, and expected transportation system future performance.
Visualize 2050
Visualize 2050 will be the next NCRTP and is currently under development. Visit the website for more information.
Visualize 2045 (current plan)
Visualize 2045 is the current, federally mandated transportation plan for the National Capital Region approved in June 2022. The plan includes priority projects, programs, and policies that the region's transportation agencies expect to be able to afford through 2045 and also aspirational initiatives that go beyond financial constraints to guide the region to achieve its shared goals. Visit for more information.
Click here to download the Visualize 2045 plan.
News & Multimedia
July 16, 2019
Planners assume that on average, a person can be expected to walk about ten minutes to get to a destination like a train station. That’s typically about a half...
July 1, 2019
Analysis represents the area around each High Capacity Transit station to improve walk and bike access.
June 24, 2019
This story map is the online companion to Visualize 2045- the federally mandated, long-range transportation plan for the National Capital Region.