

Regional Policy Framework

This 2022 document provides a synthesis of the TPB Policy Framework. Its principles and goals should inform planning throughout the metropolitan Washington region.

TPB Vision

This short, influential, policy document lays out eight broad goals to guide the region’s transportation investments and was approved by the TPB in 1998.

Regional Transportation Priorities Plan (RTPP)

The RTPP identifies strategies with the greatest potential to respond to the region's most significant transportation challenges to help guide planning and decision-making in the region.

Aspirational Initiatives

These seven transportation aspirational initiatives, if enacted, have the potential to significantly improve the region’s transportation system performance. The region is focused on realizing these initiatives, including through its long-range plan, Visualize 2045.


Visualize - National Capital Region Transportation Plan

The NCRTP describes how the TPB, its member jurisdictions, and transit agencies work together to tackle challenges facing the region, gather public opinion, and through policies and investments in projects and programs, advance the most effective strategies to make progress on the region's transportation goals. Developing the plan is a federal requirement for the TPB.  

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

This plan describes the schedule for distributing federal, state, and local funds for state and local transportation projects. It represents an agency’s intent to construct or implement specific projects and identifies the anticipated flow of funding.

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

This describes the regional transportation planning and special technical assistance work activities for the fiscal year by staff in cooperation with state, local, and public transportation agencies.

Congestion Management Process (CMP) Technical Report

This report contains information on congestion and congestion management strategies on the region’s transportation systems and integrating the CMP into Visualize 2045, the region's long-range transportation plan.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan for the National Capital Region

The plan identifies major bicycle and pedestrian projects the region wishes to carry out by 2040 and incorporates regional goals and performance indicators for walking and bicycling.

National Capital Region Freight Plan

This plan identifies the most significant freight issues in the region and provides recommendations to ensure the multimodal freight transportation system continues to support the economy and quality of life of its residents and visitors.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture

This plan lays out opportunities for integrating transportation technologies, as well as describing existing and potential data exchange systems, across the region’s transportation agencies.

Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan

This plan guides the funding decisions for the Federal Transit Administration Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program.

Program Management Plan for Enhanced Mobility Funds

This plan outlines the policies and procedures to manage and administer the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program.

National Capital Region Transportation Resilience Improvement Plan

This plan describes key transportation asset vulnerabilities and identifies priority resilience investments in the context of the region’s climate and resilience goals.