Under the System Performance federal rulemaking, State DOTs and MPOs are required every four years to set targets for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program performance measures, including 1) Peak Hour Excessive Delay (PHED), 2) Mode Share (Non-SOV Travel), and 3) Emission Reductions. Targets are set for two years and/or four years depending upon the performance measure. Targets set in 2018 are for the four-year performance period 2018 through 2021, generally but not always the calendar years. The PHED and Mode Share measures and targets apply to urbanized areas. The Emission Reductions measures and targets are set for applicable criteria pollutants and precursors in any air quality maintenance or non-attainment areas.
In addition, the TPB is required to submit a MPO Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ) Performance Plan every two years. The MPO CMAQ Performance Plan includes a description of conditions and performance, the performance measure targets associated with the CMAQ Program, and a description of completed and anticipated CMAQ projects for the period of the plan. The TPB’s initial MPO CMAQ Performance Plan was completed in October 2018.