
ITS & ITS Architecture

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are the application of current and evolving technology (particularly computer and communications technology) to transportation systems, and the careful integration of system functions, to provide efficient and effective solutions to multimodal transportation problems. In the past, ITS was a major emphasis area for improving capacity and efficiency of transportation systems. However, the opportunities and benefits seen from ITS have uncovered another key proponent of transportation systems - management and operations.

Management and operations can be defined as the consideration of the day-to-day actions and agency responses to the region's transportation system. Examples of management and operations include routine or recurring activities such as reconstruction and maintenance, snow plowing and salting, and traffic signalization. Non-recurring activities such as traffic plans for special events, severe weather, or major disasters also fall under the umbrella of management and operations.

Metropolitan Washington Area ITS Architecture

The TPB has created a regional Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture in accordance with federal law and regulation. The ITS Architecture describes existing and potential data exchange and systems integration opportunities for transportation technical systems among the region's transportation and related agencies. The regional architecture was developed under the guidance of the TPB's Management, Operations, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (MOITS) Technical Subcommittee and the MOITS ITS Architecture Subcommittee. The regional architecture conforms to federal law and U.S. Department of Transportation regulations.

The Regional ITS Architecture is available at

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