
Addressing the CMP in the Regional Planning Process

Integrating CMP Components into the CLRP

Four major CMP components are integrated into the region's CLRP. Each component reflects the federal law and regulations.

The components consist of:

  • Monitoring and evaluating transportation system performance
  • Defining and analyzing strategies
  • Implementing strategies
  • Compiling project-specific congestion management information

Interactions with Supporting Committees and Program Areas

Program or Committee CMP - Related Activities
TPB Technical Committee Long-range plan; interaction with necessary subcommittees - CMP lead
Travel Monitoring Program (in conjunction with the Travel Forecasting Subcommittee) Travel monitoring and forecasting of future recurring congestion
Travel Management Program Strategy identification and analysis
Management, Operations, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (MOITS) Program Non-recurring congestion, traffic management, ITS technologies
Commuter Connections Program Implementation and assessment of regional demand management alternatives
Regional Public Transportation Planning Program Public transportation sisues
Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Program Bicycle and pedestrian issues
Transportation Safety Planning Program Safety and congestion interactions
Freight Planning Program Freight and congestion interactions
Vehicle Probe Data Users Group Probe data-based highway performance measurement issues

Frequency, Timing, Schedule, and TPB Approval

The initial CMP process focuses on developing and documenting components of the CMP. This component identifies congestion in the region, through available data such as the Freeway Monitoring Program. Ongoing congestion management strategies are documented and help form the CMP process.

The CMP is a living document addressing the region's congestion. It is updated as information becomes available. The results are incorporated into the CLRP when the CLRP is updated. A major update of the CLRP occurs every four years, with other significant updates occurring annually. The CMP can be updated at times that major new data or information become available.

The process itself can also be modified and enhanced as new information becomes available and additional strategies are considered.