Program Overview
The Transportation Alternatives (TA ) Set-Aside allocates federal reimbursable aid for capital improvements considered alternative to traditional highway construction. The TPB works with the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia to coordinate each state's application process in the region. The TPB strongly encourages applications that support TLC priority criteria, Safe Routes to School, bicycle/pedestrian facilities, and non-motorized transit access improvements. Applicants must provide a minimum 20 percent match. Projects should be ready for construction or in their final engineering and design phases.
The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is a federal program under the 2015 FAST Act that provides funding to projects considered "alternative" to traditional highway construction. Each year, states are allocated funds for TAP through the Surface Transportation Act. Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) like the TPB work with their state departments of transportation to conduct a competitive selection process for funds.
The TPB administers TAP as a component of the TLC Program, which also includes local technical assistance, and TLC PeerX for events, outreach, and information sharing.
The following entities in the TPB's planning area are eligible to apply:
Local Governments (County, City, or Town)
Regional Transportation Authorities
Transit Agencies
Natural Resource or Public Land Agencies
School Districts and Agencies