TPB News, Visualize What did the Voices of the Region say about the TPB's Aspirational Initiatives? June 7, 2021 In September 2020, we asked people in the region their opinions about our transportation system. The Voices of the Region survey is a part of the update to...
TPB News, Visualize Voices of the region on climate change May 25, 2021 The Voices of the Region survey is a part of the update to Visualize 2045. This public opinion survey will help planners and decisionmakers think about what...
TPB News A brief recap of the May TPB meeting May 25, 2021 At its May meeting the TPB received briefings on Enhanced Mobility grant solicitation, the first phase of a Climate Change Mitigation Study, and a review of...
TPB News Transportation organizations receive funding to help older adults and people with disabilities May 11, 2021 At its April meeting, the TPB approved six projects for $532,218 in funding through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021...
TPB News, Visualize TPB launches new Visualize 2045 website May 3, 2021 The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) launched a new website for Visualize 2045, the region’s long-range transportation plan:...