Responses To Visualize Comment Period

Interior page for staff to review commentss.

Visualize 2045 Inputs and Scope Submissions

This comment is being submitted on behalf of:This comment pertains to:Name of Agency/Business/OrganizationFirst NameLast NameCityStateZip/Postal CodeSubjectFile Upload
An IndividualDraft project submissions for the Visualize 2045 Constrained ElementMichaelGravitzChevy ChaseMaryland20815Opposing the outer bridge crossing of the PotomacNo file uploaded.
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Dear Commission members, In an era of increasingly worse summer heat, bad air pollution that comes mostly from transportation sources, a need to protect Potomac River water intakes and Montgomery County's Ag Reserve, it seems silly to have to urge your committee to oppose this idea for another Potomac River crossing and highway. The State of Maryland is already losing money on the Intercounty Connector, we don't need an outer Beltway, and this proposed plan for another Potomac River crossing looks lined up to compound these mistakes. As a taxpayer in Montgomery County and Maryland, a breather of air, and supporter of the Ag Reserve, I wish to register my strong opposition to this idea. There are many, many alternatives to this idea --all of them a better use of resources and greener solutions. Mike Gravitz
An IndividualOther Regional Transportation IssueCindyToddSILVER SPRINGMaryland20904NO new bridge over the PotomacNo file uploaded.
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No new bridge over the Potomac. This is STILL a bad idea and jeopardizes our water supply.
An IndividualOther Regional Transportation IssueElizabethBushBethesdaMaryland20816outer beltway, new bridgeNo file uploaded.
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I am NOT in favor of a new outer beltway/Potomac River crossing. There is too much chance of harming the entire region's water supply, which comes from the Potomac River, downstream of the proposed River crossing.
An IndividualOther Regional Transportation IssueMartinLindholmBethesdaMaryland20814Do not build an outer beltway bridge No file uploaded.
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We are lucky to live in a region that is seeing rapid growth, but we all know this presents its own set of challenges. It has been shown that roads lead to increased sprawl and more car trips. The outer beltway is just such an initiative, more likely to exacerbate our transportation issues in the long term than to solve them. It also poses serious environmental issues, not just in the loss of green space and habitats, but also a substantial risk to the water that 5 million area residents drink. It is time for our region to focus on a more sustainable model of growth, with higher density areas accessible by public transportation. Our public transportation desperately needs a more ambitious vision and a commitment that stretches across jurisdictions and past the next fiscal year. If you aim to support our growth while reducing congestion, please focus on opportunities like tying together Montgomery County with Tyson's Corner using public transportation, not another beltway.
An IndividualDraft project submissions for the Visualize 2045 Constrained ElementEileenFinneganSilver SpringMaryland20903Comments on Visualize 2045 Constrained Element: Missing New ProjectEileen_Finnegan2.pdf
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See attached.
An IndividualOther Regional Transportation IssueShreenivasSuvarnaCLARKSBURGMaryland20871Possible Idea to help reduce traffic congestionNo file uploaded.
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Hello, I had an idea that might be a way to get people out of their cars and use public transportation more. A lot of people work in one state and live in another, but many of those do not deal with DC. The current transportation issue with the area is that it takes longer to commute using public transportation vs drive by a lot of time. In my case, I live in MD but work in N. VA and it would take over 2.5 hours to commute from the metro plus time getting to the Metro, where as if I drive, I can make the drive in 45 min on normal traffic. I would suggest that a second crossing be created, but let us be better about it and create something to get people out of their cars. Seeing this, I would suggest a Mall across the Potomac that would connect VA and MD together. There would be parking lots and buses from the location, but the only way to cross would be to walk. In addition the mall could have restaurants and stores to spur the economy. Regards, Seenu Suvarna
Results: 56 Comments found.