
Planning Our Future Together: Celebrating 50 Years of the TPB

The TPB was created in 1965 by the region's local and state governments to respond to federal highway legislation in 1962 that required the establishment of a "continuing, comprehensive and coordinated" transportation planning process in every urbanized area in the United States. The TPB's 50th anniversary provides an opportunity to look back at the body's role in making the region's transportation system what it is today. It is also an opportunity to look ahead to the future and what the next half-century might bring.

Futurist Glen Hiemstra Speaks at COG Annual Meeting on December 9 About the Future of Transportation

Former Staff and Board Chairmen Speak at November 18 Commemorative Event

Alan Pisarski
Former TPB Staffer
Kathy Porter
Former TPB Chairman (2000)
John Mason
Former TPB Chairman (2001)
Phil Mendelson
TPB Chairman (2015)