

Key Transportation Acronyms & Terms


ADA  Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

AFA  TPB Access for All Advisory Committee


BID  Business Improvement District

BRT  Bus Rapid Transit

BWI  Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport


CAC  TPB Community Advisory Committee

CE  Categorial Exclusions

CIP  Capital Improvement Program

COG  Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

CTB  Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board

CTP  Maryland Consolidated Transportation Program


DCA  Ronald Reagan National Airport

DDOT  District of Columbia Department of Transportation

DOT  Department of Transportation

DRPT  Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation


EA  Environmental Assessments

EEA  Equity Emphasis Area 

EIS  Environmental Impact Statement

EJ  Environmental Justice


FHWA  Federal Highway Administration

FTA  Federal Transit Administration

Financially Constrained - Financial constraint means that each project included in the financially constrained element of the metropolitan transportation plan must be capable of being completed using revenue sources that are already committed, available, or reasonably expected to be available in the future.


GIS Geographic Information Systems


HEF  Manassas Regional Airport

HOT  High-Occupancy Toll

HOV 2+  High-Occupancy Vehicle, only vehicles with 2 or more people may use the lane

HOT 3+  High-Occupancy Toll, Vehicles with 3 or more people are free; less than 3 people must pay a toll

HOV  High-Occupancy Vehicle 


IAD  Washington Dulles International Airport

IIJA  Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021

ITS  Intelligent Transportation Systems

ISTEA  Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991


LEP Limited English Proficiency


MARC  Maryland Area Rail Commuter

MDOT  Maryland Department of Transportation

M-NCPPC  Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission

MPO  Metropolitan Planning Organization

MTA  Maryland Transit Administration

MTP  Metropolitan Transportation Plan

MWAA  Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority

MWAQC  Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee


NAAQS  National Ambient Air Quality Standards

NCPC  National Capital Planning Commission

NCRTP  National Capital Region Transportation Plan

NEPA  National Environmental Policy Act

NHS  National Highway System

NPS  National Park Service

NRS  Non-Regionally Significant (for Air Quality)

NVTA  Northern Virginia Transportation Authority

NVTA Northern Virginia Transportation Commission


PBPP Performance Based Planning and Programming

PRTC  Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission


ROD Record of Decision

RSP  Regionally Significant Project - Any project on a facility that is included in the coded regional network that adds or removes at least one continuous vehicular lane from one major road to the next or adds a new access/egress location or capacity; or any transit project that adds or modifies fixed-guideway transit facilities (heavy rail, light rail, bus rapid transit). Source: Visualize 2045 Technical Inputs Solicitation  

RRSP  TPB Regional Roadway Safety Program

RSAQ  Regionally Significant for Air Quality


SHA  Maryland State Highway Administration

SIP  State Improvement Plan (air quality)

STIP State Transportation Improvement Program

SYIP  Six-Year Improvement Program


TAFA Transit Access Focus Area

TAP Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program

TDM Transportation Demand Management

TERMs  Transportation Emissions Reduction Measures

TIP  Transportation Improvement Program - The TIP is a four-year federal obligation document which describes the TPB board-approved transportation projects scheduled to receive federal transportation funding and all regionally significant for air quality projects. 

TLC  TPB Transportation-Land Use Connections Program

TMA  Transportation Management Area

TNC Transportation Network Company (for example, Lyft or Uber)

TOD Transit-Oriented Development

TPB  National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board

Title VI - A title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that ensures that no person in the United States will be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Metropolitan transportation planning processes are required to be consistent with Title VI.


UPWP  Unified Planning Work Program– A statement of work identifying the planning priorities and activities to be carried out within a metropolitan planning area. The UPWP includes a description of annual work, products, schedule, budget, and source of funds.

UZA  Urbanized Area

USDOT  U.S. Department of Transportation


VDOT  Virginia Department of Transportation

VPRA  Virginia Passenger Rail Authority

VRE  Virginia Railway Express

VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled


WMATA  Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro)