
Public Involvement Process

On October 21, 2020, the Transportation Planning Board adopted an updated Participation Plan that outlines public involvement activities for constituencies with difference levels of understanding and interest in the TPB process. The new Participation Plan includes a Public Guide, Staff Guide, and Federal Guide and calls for the TPB to be more strategic in targeting its activities to serve the needs of different constituencies and applying an equity perspective.

The 2020 Update to the Participation Plan replaces the 2014 plan as the main policy document for addressing involvement in the TPB process. Please review the TPB Participation Plan for more information. The Policy Statement and Policy Goals of the Participation Plan are listed below.

Policy Statement

It is the TPB’s policy to provide public access and involvement under a collaborative planning process in which the interests of all TPB constituencies are reflected and considered. It is the TPB’s intent to make both its policy and technical processes inclusive of and accessible to all constituencies. The TPB believes that public input into its process is valuable and makes its products better. Regional transportation planning cannot, and should not, be based simply upon technical analysis. The information derived from public involvement is essential to good decision making. 

Policy Goals

The Policy Goals describe what the TPB is trying to achieve through its participation activities. When planning public-facing work, staff should use these goals to set desirable outcomes, and then refer to the goals when evaluating their work.

  • Engage different audiences effectively using a variety of tools. The TPB will disseminate information and solicit input using different tools and conduits. Engagement activities will be conducted in ways that are tailored to specific constituencies, ranging from active participants to the general public.
  • Provide clear and open access to information and participation opportunities. The TPB will work to improve access to technical and planning information and, where appropriate, tailor that information to be accessible to more constituencies. Opportunities for participation in TPB meetings and in committee meetings will be clearly defined and provided at each meeting.
  • Gather input from diverse perspectives. The TPB will encourage participation from diverse constituencies and will provide for discussion about transportation issues that are responsive to the interests of different constituencies. In addition to encouraging input from people with different racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds, the TPB will seek the perspectives of people who use all transportation modes and come from all areas of the region. 
  • Give consideration to input received and respond meaningfully. The TPB will give thoughtful consideration to how public input might affect its decisions and how input might improve TPB plans and products. The TPB will acknowledge the comments that were received and how they were considered. • Promote a regional perspective. The TPB will communicate how regional transportation planning plays a vital role in coordinating planning activities on many levels. The TPB will also work to connect the public to where their input can have the biggest impact, which is often on the local or state level. 
  • Promote a regional perspective. The TPB will communicate how regional transportation planning plays a vital role in coordinating planning activities on many levels. The TPB will also work to connect the public to where their input can have the biggest impact, which is often on the local or state level.