
Bid Details

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RFP 23-006 - Radioisotope Isotope Identification Devices

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is seeking to procure Radioisotope Isotope Identification Devices as part of the Securing The Cities (STC) grant-funded program.

Paper proposals are due March 8, 2023, with demonstrations of the equipment to be done on March 20, 2023.

Addendum #1, extending the due date for proposals to March 13, 2023, was issued on March 7, 2023.

Addendum #2, answering questions submitted, was issued on March 9, 2023.

Contact Information:

Questions concerning this RFP shall be submitted to, as described in the RFP.


2/17/2023 - 3/13/2023

Awarded Company

3South LLC