
Bid Details

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IFB 21-002 - T-Shirts for FY21 Commuter Connections Bike to Work Day Event

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is soliciting bids to provide t-shirts for the FY21 Commuter Connections Bike to Work Day.

Bids are due February 15, 2021.

Addendum #1, answering a question concerning sample art, was published January 19, 2021.

Addendum #2, answering questions received prior to January 27, was published January 27, 2021.

Bid Tabulations have been posted March 1, 2021.

Contact Information:

Questions concerning the IFB should be submitted via email to


1/13/2021 - 2/15/2021

Awarded Company

Ad-Wear and Specialty of Texas, Inc.