
Bid Details

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RFP 20-002 Regional Air Passenger Survey


In conjunction with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (“MWAA”) and the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA), COG will be conducting a survey of air passengers using the region’s three major commercial airports.  This will be the 14th in a series of air passenger surveys.

The purpose of these regional air passenger surveys is to collect information about changing travel patterns and user characteristics of air passengers at the region’s three commercial airports and to help determine airport terminal and groundside facility needs.

Key Dates

Questions deadline:  August 2, 2019, at 2:00 pm EST

Questions answered by August 5, 2019, COB EST  

via addendum posted on the COG website at

Submission deadline:  August 9, 2019, via Lockbox at 2:00 pm EST





Contact Information:



Technical and procedural questions concerning the RFP must be submitted in via email to with a courtesy copy to Gail Crichlow at no later than August 2, 2019, at 2:00 pm EST


Please do not wait until the last moment to register for LockBox access. If problems occur during registration please contact COG’s provider at and cc:





7/24/2019 - 8/9/2019

Awarded Company

Widener-Burrows & Associates, Inc.