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RFP 19-005 Community Engagement Campaign (CEC)

The Community Engagement Campaign (“CEC”) is a partnership between COG and the region’s water utilities and local governments. The CEC engages with the region’s resident businesses and area residents about the value of water, water infrastructure investment, and protecting household pipes.

The CEC is comprised of three (3) components:

  1. The CEC communicates about the safety and value of tap water through the TapIt Metro DC campaign. TapIt is a network of regional establishments that provide easy access to tap water. Residents can use the free TapIt Metro DC app to find locations in Maryland, DC, and Virginia to fill up reusable water bottles on the go.
  2. The Protect Your Pipes (“PYP”) campaign focuses on household plumbing, including information on keeping unwanted items from being flushed down toilets and poured down drains and preventing frozen pipes. Many household items can cause sewer pipe clogs resulting in costly upkeep for homeowners and the region’s wastewater treatment plants. 
  3. Source water protection, stewardship and drought are communicated through wise water use messages. The CEC is developing a region-specific lawn and garden website, as well as, updating drought messages for an extended campaign

Contact Information:

Technical questions concerning the RFP must be submitted in writing to Alieu Turay at with a cc: to no later than Friday, December 14, 2018. All technical and procedural questions will be answered and posted on COG’s website as an amendment to this RFP within two (2) working days after the cut-off date for questions. No questions will be accepted following the cut-off date.


Proposals shall be received by no later than 2:00 p.m., Monday, December 24, 2018


12/10/2018 - 12/24/2018

Awarded Company

Savi PR, LLC