
Bid Details

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IFB 19-001 - Ice Melt

Technical questions concerning this IFB must be submitted in writing to Jayme Hardy at no later than 5:00 PM EST, Tuesday, August 7, 2018.  No technical questions will be accepted after the cut-off date.

Procedural or administrative questions concerning this IFB must be submitted in writing to Jayme Hardy at

All technical questions and pertinent procedural/administrative questions will be answered and posted on COG’s website as an addendum to this IFB no later than 5:00 PM EST, Tuesday, August 14, 2018.

It is the responsibility of the Bidder to check this website for any issued addenda.  

Contact Information:


Bidders who wish to respond to this IFB shall do so no later than  3:00 PM EST on Friday, August 17, 2018 by submitting one (1) sealed hard copy of their bid to:

Jayme Hardy

Senior Contracts and Purchasing Specialist

Cooperative Purchasing Program

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

777 North Capitol Street, N.E., Suite 300

Washington, D.C. 20002-4290


8/2/2018 - 8/17/2018

Awarded Company

Eddie Mercer Agri-Services, Inc.