
Bid Details

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RFP 19-002 - Bomb Squad Robotic Equipment & Training

Please be advised that this RFP has been extended as of August 14, 2018 and the following submission deadlines have been updated:

Technical questions concerning the RFP must be submitted in writing to Jayme Hardy, COG Contracts and Purchasing, at (cc: no later than 5:00 PM EDT, Friday, August 17, 2018. 

No questions will be accepted after the cut-off date.

Procedural or administrative questions must be submitted in writing to Jayme Hardy at (

All technical and procedural/administrative questions will be answered and posted on COG’s website as an amendment to this RFP no later than 5:00 PM EDT, Friday, August 24, 2018.

Contact Information:


Proposals shall be received by COG no later than 3:00PM EDT, Thursday, August 30, 2018. Please place the RFP number on the subject line of your submission.

Offerors shall submit one (1) electronic and six (6) hard copy proposal submissions. Electronic copies shall be submitted via email to COG will also accept hand-delivered or mailed electronic submissions in CD or USB form.

Hard copy submissions must contain one (1) original and five (5) copies of the proposal and shall be mailed to:

Jayme Hardy

Senior Contracts and Purchasing Specialist

Cooperative Purchasing Program

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

777 North Capitol Street, N.E., Suite 300

Washington, D.C. 20002-4290







7/31/2018 - 8/30/2018

Awarded Company

Telerob USA