
Bid Details

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RFP 19-001 Clean Air Partners Public Awareness and Program Survey

To support Clean Air Partners, COG is seeking the services of an expert research firm to conduct a public awareness and program survey. Clean Air Partners has historically conducted surveys of residents and employers at the conclusion of the summer ozone season (September); the last survey was conducted in 2015 (Attachment E). Clean Air Partners intends to use the results of the survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign in encouraging behavior change, projecting estimates of the extent of current and future behavior change resulting from the campaign, and developing future public education/marketing campaigns.

Contact Information:

Technical and procedural or administrative questions concerning the RFP must be submitted in writing to Alieu Turay at  no later than 2:00 p.m., Monday, July 16, 2018. All technical and procedural questions will be answered and posted on COG’s website as an amendment to this RFP within three (3) working days after the cut-off date. No questions will be accepted following the cut-off date.

Proposals shall be received by no later than 2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 26, 2018.



7/6/2018 - 7/26/2018

Awarded Company

OpinionWorks, LLC