Homeland Security & Public Safety

Homeland Security and Policy

Metropolitan Washington faces unique homeland security and public safety challenges as the center of the federal government, an international tourist destination, and a major metropolitan area. Since the terrorist attacks on 9/11, governments, nonprofits, and private partners have worked together to increase the region’s ability to protect against, prepare for, and respond to natural and man-made threats.

COG has played a key role in this effort, building on its extensive relationships throughout the region. COG works to foster collaboration throughout the region and provide decision-makers and subject matter experts with the tools needed to make sound financial, resource, and programmatic decisions regarding regional homeland security preparedness, response, and recovery. COG supports the regional homeland security activities by working with stakeholders to:

  • Coordinate regional priority setting;
  • Identify regional goals and objectives and the capabilities and projects necessary to achieve them; and
  • Develop regional strategic policy.

News & Multimedia

  • 7901536426_5fced1916b_o

    Area officials conduct exercise focused on cybersecurity

    February 16, 2022

    Cyber attacks are one of the top threats facing not only metropolitan Washington, but the entire nation. The National Capital Region (NCR) Homeland Security...

  • Emergency_Prep

    Emergency managers promote 2020 National Preparedness Month

    September 21, 2020

    September is National Preparedness Month and COG and its member governments are encouraging everyone in the region to plan ahead of emergencies.

  • Joint_Statement_Headshots_Page_2

    Local leaders issue STAY HOME joint statement

    March 31, 2020

    Joint statement pledges continued regional collaboaration

Results: 85 found.