
There are a number of ways to keep informed about COG, its members, and programs. The Newsroom feed lists news releases and highlights as well as TPB News articles. A variety of content is also available through digital subscriptions.  

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COG's Podcast: Think Regionally


COG's podcast, Think Regionally, raises awareness about metropolitan Washington's biggest challenges and focuses on solutions. The podcast, which is hosted by former Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney, features local government, business, and non-profit leaders talking about a variety of timely topics, including the region's economy, racial equity, transportation, housing, and climate change.

Visit the podcast page.

Newsroom Archives

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Yardstick's Year-End RoundupThe Yardstick's Year-End Roundup

    Region Forward

    We’ll be taking some time off over the next week to recharge for 2011 and we at The Yardstick wish all of the RF community happy holidays! If you have some time to kill or if you need a break from the family we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite blog posts since our launch this year for your enjoyment:

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Some perspective on population and income growth in Washington

    Region Forward

    The news coming out of the Census Bureau about D.C.’s first decade of population growth since the 1950s is promising. This is representative of a growing trend that shows cities across the country after being prematurely pronounced dead are experiencing a renaissance in population growth as well as cultural and economic importance. Daniel Nairn from the Sustainable Cities Collective puts some of the new census data to show that income growth in central cities and closer-in suburbs in the ​

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: High-speed ambition? Part 1

    Region Forward

    Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has made the advancement of high-speed rail in the U.S. a top priority of his and has shown his commitment to the effort by revoking funding after Governors-elect in Wisconsin and Minnesota (correction: Ohio) made it clear they would redirect the funding to other transportation projects (translation: more money for roads). The Secretary’s commitment is highly laudable but true high-speed rail still has a ways to go before it becomes a reality in the Uni​

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Go Local

    Region Forward

    ocal governments are the players most capable of helping meet the RF targets that every local government in the metro Washington region has agreed to work towards. Indeed state and federal government are important partners as well but the real details get hashed out at the local level. With that in mind The Morning Measure pays a lot of attention to news related to local government.

  • Region Forward Blog

    Global Fridays: China for a day? Not necessary.

    Region Forward

    The New York Times had a piece recently on the threat that many within the United States feel as a result of China’s continued growth in the clean energy market. China recently decided to invest $1.5 trillion in seven key sectors many of which deal with alternative and sustainable energy. President Obama has repeatedly stated that he wants the U.S. to be the leader in clean energy not China. Yet it’s the Chinese who are making the jaw-dropping investment and grabbing market share at a​

  • Region Forward Blog

    McCartney: Use Region Forward as a plan to build a model region

    Region Forward

    Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney recently spoke at “One Region Moving Forward” COG’s 2010 Annual Membership Luncheon on his vision for the region. McCartney touched on a number of issues including traffic energy jobs the regional divide Metro and government corruption before challenging the region’s leaders to reject defeatist attitudes and work to build an exceptional inclusive metro Washington region to serve as a model to the country and the world. He notes that RF should be th​

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Promoting accessibility in our region and around the world

    Region Forward

    How can we meet RF’s goals and targets to reduce VMT while maximizing accessibility and affordability ? There are a number of creative approaches to making communities more livable and accessible and according to a new US Census analysis done by The Washington Post more people are choosing to ditch their cars and live more accessible lifestyles that liberate them from automobile ownership and provide them more transportation choices.

  • Region Forward Blog

    The Morning Measure: Smart(er) growth?

    Region Forward

    Over at Switchboard the NRDC’s exceptional blog on the connections between transportation land-use and the environment Kaid Benfield recently pondered about the future of smart growth. After recognizing past achievements in the field Benfield argues that the current definition of smart growth is not sufficient to meet the challenges that we face in this century.

  • Region Forward Blog

    Walk the walk (and talk the talk)

    Region Forward

    Region Forward includes some very ambitious air quality and climate targets such as exceeding federal standards for air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 2005 levels by 2020 and reducing them by 80% by 2050. These targets align with the general scientific consensus on the levels of emissions necessary to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Meeting these targets won’t be easy and everyone has to be involved. Here’s a chance for RF followers to do so.

Results: 2079 Articles found.