
There are a number of ways to keep informed about COG, its members, and programs. The Newsroom feed lists news releases and highlights as well as TPB News articles. A variety of content is also available through digital subscriptions.  

For story ideas, data inquiries, and to connect with officials and subject matter experts, reporters should contact the Office of Communications. For questions about TPB News, please contact the Department of Transportation Planning.

COG's Podcast: Think Regionally


COG's podcast, Think Regionally, raises awareness about metropolitan Washington's biggest challenges and focuses on solutions. The podcast, which is hosted by former Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney, features local government, business, and non-profit leaders talking about a variety of timely topics, including the region's economy, racial equity, transportation, housing, and climate change.

Visit the podcast page.

Newsroom Archives

  • Region Forward Blog

    Why It Is Hard To Find A Job In Boomtown

    Region Forward

    Since the Great Recession it is about forty percent more difficult to find a job in our region. This probably sounds both accurate and a little surprising because yes the recession was bad but there has been so much reporting the booming economy during the recovery.

  • News Release

    Green Streets Policy Adopted by Transportation Planning Board

    At its February meeting, the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) adopted a Green Streets Policy for the National Capital Region, which encourages local jurisdictions to improve environmental quality with green infrastructure.

  • TPB News

    TPB Planners and Engineers Share Their Work at National Transportation Conference

    More than a dozen planners and engineers from the Transportation Planning Board recently attended a gathering of transportation professionals from around the country and the world to share their latest research and learn from others about recent advances in transportation planning and engineering practice.​

  • News Release

    Stephen Walz Named Council of Governments' Director of Environmental Programs

    Walz served as the Director of Virginia’s Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy during the administration of Gov. Timothy Kaine and was the former governor’s energy policy advisor. He currently serves as the Director of Regional Energy Planning for the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC.) He also is widely recognized for his work on water quality, air quality, climate, waste disposal and open space issues.

  • Region Forward Blog

    RF Coalition Members & COG Executive Director Discuss New Reports


    Region Forward Coalition Vice-Chair & District of Columbia Planning Director Harriet Tregoning and Transportation Planning Board Member & Bowie City Councilman Todd Turner appeared with COG Executive Director Chuck Bean on NBC4’s public affairs talkshow Viewpoint this past Sunday. They discussed our newest planning reports Place + Opportunity and the Regional Transportation Priorities Plan . These reports work together to plan land use activities alongside transportation infrastructure. Watch their discussion below.

  • Region Forward Blog

    Activity Centers are Home to Most New Offices


    Who does not like a shorter commute? Communities throughout Metropolitan Washington have worked diligently to create a network of Activity Centers that dexterously increase livability –including less time spent on congested roads and packed Metro cars- while enabling our economy to grow. Activity Centers are places that concentrate jobs housing retail and amenities. This approach helps each community get more benefit out of major investments like roads transit service development incentives​

  • Region Forward Blog

    Member Highlight: DC Water's Green Infrastructure Proposal

    George Hawkins General Manager of DC Water announcing their Green Infrastructure Proposal.

    One approach to ensuring a healthier environment in the District of Columbia and our local waters involves constructing enormous tunnels to collect stormwater and sewage from select portions of the city so that it can be treated at the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant rather than overflowing into our waterways. This approach is described in DC Water’s Clean Rivers Project .

Results: 2078 Articles found.