TPB News Get ready for traffic to pick back up as part of "September Shock" Aug 30, 2016 Next week marks the beginning of what area traffic experts have dubbed “September Shock,” the month-long phenomenon in which traffic delays on the region’s roadways bounce back in a big way from their annual summertime lull. This jump is one of the most predictable and pronounced traffic events of the year, according to a recent analysis by researchers at the TPB.
News Release Car Free Day Registration Opens; Metropolitan Washington Gets Ready to Green the Commute on September 22 Aug 30, 2016 International Car Free Day is Thursday, September 22 and metropolitan Washington area commuters, residents, and students who participate by taking the pledge to go car free or car-lite will qualify to win great prizes such as gift certificates to restaurants and retailers.
TPB News Change things up. Go car free or car-lite Sept. 22! Aug 23, 2016 How will you get to work on Thursday, September 22? Will you drive? Take transit? Bicycle or walk? How about those non-work trips, like errands, meeting up with friends, picking up the kids, or grocery shopping?
TPB News Learn about transportation project prioritization at the Sept. 15 TIP Forum Aug 23, 2016 Ever wonder how area transportation agencies prioritize and fund major projects and programs? Or which projects are slated for funding and construction in the next few years? On September 15, the TPB will host a public forum to shed greater light on the prioritization process and to take a closer look at the region’s six-year transportation spending plan, known as the Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP.
News Highlight Metropolitan Washington Continues to Celebrate Water and Wastewater Professionals Aug 9, 2016 The COG Board of Directors’ May resolution in support of Virginia’s Water and Wastewater Professionals Appreciation Day and Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week continues to be highlighted in a number of ways across the region. The resolution supported the Virginia Assembly’s designation of June 30 annually as a date to celebrate all of the hard working and committed water sector professionals that work diligently to protect public health and the environment.
TPB News These newly funded bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland will advance regional priorities Aug 9, 2016 Five bicycle and pedestrian projects in Maryland set to receive $1.1 million in federal funding will advance several key regional transportation priorities, including expanding travel options, connecting and strengthening Activity Centers, and serving disadvantaged communities.
News Release Commercial construction slows in metropolitan Washington, according to new Council of Governments report Aug 4, 2016 Commercial construction declined by 31 percent between 2014 and 2015, according to a new COG report which provides information on non-residential projects that have been completed metropolitan Washington.
TPB News Updated Freight Plan points to a future with more people--and more delivery trucks on area roads Jul 26, 2016 To make deliveries happen as safely and efficiently as possible, freight movement must be considered as part of regional transportation and land-use planning and decisionmaking. To aid that effort, the TPB recently adopted a major update to the National Capital Region Freight Plan, a resource the TPB first developed in 2010. The updated Freight Plan highlights the importance of freight to the region’s economy and to the quality of life of the people who live here.
TPB News Workshop highlights best practices in designing separated bike lanes Jul 26, 2016 In an effort to get more people to ride for everyday transportation, cities and counties in the Washington region have started to build more bicycling facilities that make it safer and less stressful to ride. One main facility type that achieves this is known as the separated bike lane, which uses curbs, bollards, or other dividers to separate slower bicycle traffic from faster moving automobile traffic.
TPB News ICYMI: July 20 TPB meeting Jul 26, 2016 At its meeting on July 20, the TPB took action on three items, including approval of an update to the regional Freight Plan and a proclamation of this year’s Car Free Day event. The main focus of the meeting was a monthly update on Metro’s intensive, yearlong SafeTrack maintenance program. The update summarized lessons learned so far by area jurisdictions and transportation agencies during the first few SafeTrack work surges.