Region Forward Blog Q&A: District of Columbia Councilmember Brianne Nadeau Oct 12, 2016 District of Columbia Councilmember Brianne Nadeau serves as chairperson of the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee staffed by COG. In this Q&A, Chairperson Nadeau discusses the region's air quality progress and how she's working to address other challenges in metropolitan Washington, such as housing affordability.
TPB News The 2016 CLRP Amendment will take center stage at the Oct. 19 TPB meeting Oct 11, 2016 The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet at noon on Wednesday, October 19. The main event at the meeting will be a series of briefings on this year’s amendment to the region’s Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP) as well as the latest update to the six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TPB will release drafts of both documents on Thursday, October 13, for a 30-day public comment period.
TPB News How proximity to transportation options affects how you get around—and where you choose to live or work Oct 11, 2016 A new slice of data from the TPB’s latest State of the Commute survey paints a picture of the relationship between how close people live to various transportation options, like transit and HOV or Express lanes, and what modes they use to get to work. The survey is carried out every three years by the TPB’s Commuter Connections program to better understand how commuters get to and from work and what they think of their commutes.
News Highlight COG's e-news relaunches with focus on members, web features Oct 6, 2016 The new Connections e-newsletter provides another way for COG to share stories about how our members, staff, and programs are helping shape a more prosperous, accessible, livable, and sustainable region.
News Highlight Regional conference addresses health disparities among Latino youth and families Oct 6, 2016 The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), Avance Center for the Advancement of Immigrant/Refugee Health, and the Regional Primary Care Coalition, held a conference to discuss the disproportionate burden of health problems that affect Latinos living in the metropolitan Washington area and efforts underway to address these health disparities.
News Release Air quality: metro D.C. records fourth straight summer with no Code Red days Oct 3, 2016 Air quality continues to improve in metropolitan Washington, according to preliminary data released by COG. The region recorded just thirteen days in 2016 when air quality exceeded healthy levels for ground-level ozone—known as Code Orange days. None of this year’s exceedance days reached more serious Code Red unhealthy levels.
News Highlight EPA, states address key challenges at annual Bay and Water Quality Forum Sep 29, 2016 The CBPC held its sixth Annual Bay & Water Quality Forum in September with EPA and several Chesapeake Bay states (District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia) as part of an ongoing dialogue on key issues and identifying areas of collaboration. The forum participants acknowledged several successes while acknowledging some of the challenges in striving to meet the 2025 Bay restoration goals.
News Highlight Area officials tour Exelon's Conowingo Dam Sep 29, 2016 COG’s Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee (CBPC) and staff toured Exelon’s Conowingo Dam in Darlington, Maryland in September to get a firsthand look at its renewable energy production, original 1928 turbines, and fish passage mechanisms.
News Highlight Sprint representatives brief area officials on cause of August 9-1-1 outage Sep 27, 2016 Representatives from Sprint briefed the COG Board on the cause of an August 16, 2016 outage that impacted calls to 9-1-1 in several of the region’s jurisdictions
TPB News Finding a carpool just got easier—and faster Sep 27, 2016 CarpoolNow is a new free app that matches drivers and riders through their smartphones in the way that ride-hailing companies find you a driver. Commuter Connections, a TPB program focused on promoting travel modes other than driving alone, developed the app as another way for commuters to connect with others going in the same direction to carpool.