TPB News What did the Voices of the Region survey tell us about travel during COVID-19 and beyond? Mar 9, 2021 The TPB’s Voices of the Region survey asked how people have changed their travel habits due to COVID-19 and how they imagine they will get around post pandemic.
News Highlight COG policy committees help lead the way on region's priorities Mar 4, 2021 The COG Board’s policy committees and independent policy boards are supporting its COVID-19 and equity work, while advising on transportation funding, air quality, water quality, climate and energy, human services, and more.
News Release Early registration for Bike to Work Day 2021 is now open Mar 1, 2021 After a year of unprecedented change, Commuter Connections and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) are excited to announce that registration for the 20th Annual Bike to Work Day (BTWD) event has opened. The event will take place on Friday, May 21, with pit stops in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia.
TPB News Get to know the TPB's Community Advisory Committee Feb 23, 2021 The CAC’s mission is to promote public involvement in regional transportation planning for the region, to advance equitable representation in regional transportation planning, and to provide independent region-oriented community advice top the TPB on transportation plans and issues. Get to know the new committee!
TPB News Voices of the Region survey gauges opinions on future of transportation Feb 23, 2021 The February TPB meeting featured a presentation on initial findings from the Visualize 2045 Voices of the Region public opinion survey. Also at the meeting, the board received briefings on the budget and workplan for the TPB and for Commuter Connections.
News Highlight Regional support continues on COVID-19 vaccine efforts Feb 18, 2021 To fight any complacency, officials have been urging area residents to continue taking steps to stop the spread of the virus and get vaccinated when it’s their turn. They have also been focused on improving the vaccine distribution process.
News Highlight Area utilities educate region on winter salts, frozen pipes Feb 18, 2021 Area utilities on COG’s Community Engagement Campaign are raising awareness about the proper use of winter salts this season in an effort to protect the region’s streams, rivers, and reservoirs.
TPB News What does the TPB do? Feb 9, 2021 The TPB is a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) created by federal law and responsible for metropolitan transportation planning. As a region with 24 localities, we need to work together in a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive way.
News Highlight Town halls help leaders strategize on equity, resiliency, and inclusion Feb 4, 2021 Over the course of five regional town hall discussions hosted by COG and the TPB, area officials considered how to best manage and respond to challenging current events—from COVID-19 and a recession to a national reckoning on race.