TPB News, Visualize Here's how we use growth forecasts for transportation planning Mar 5, 2018 Before the TPB approves its new long-range transportation plan, Visualize 2045, staff will complete two analyses. One will test the financially constrained element for its effect on the region’s air quality and the second will quantify forecasted changes in the transportation system.
TPB News Play the Transportation/Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program mapping game! Mar 5, 2018 The Transportation/Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program supports planning for vibrant and accessible communities. The TPB created the TLC program in 2006 to assist local jurisdictions in identifying ways to help make the region’s transportation system and the built environment support one another more effectively. The TLC program has provided technical assistance for more than 100 projects around the Washington region. To make it easier to learn about them, we’ve developed a mapping tool.
News Highlight COG Board Chairman Matt Letourneau talks infrastructure, transportation on Kojo Nnamdi Show Feb 20, 2018 COG Board Chairman and Loudoun County Supervisor Matt Letourneau discussed regional issues, including infrastructure and transportation on The Kojo Nnamdi Show.
TPB News Enhanced Mobility grants will help older adults and persons with disabilities get around Feb 13, 2018 Every two years the TPB selects and awards federal grant funding to projects throughout the region aimed at improving mobility for older adults and persons with disabilities. Each selection is very competitive–this year the TPB received grant applications totaling $13 million in requests–over two times the federal funding available.
News Highlight Heart of COG: Andrew Meese Feb 7, 2018 For 24 years, COG’s Andrew Meese has focused on compiling and analyzing data, best practices, policies, and more to measure the performance of the metropolitan Washington region’s transportation system.
Region Forward Blog Region's leaders strategize for the coming electric vehicle revolution Feb 7, 2018 Behind the scenes at the Washington Auto Show, leaders from metropolitan Washington gathered to strategize about readying the region for plugging in to a coming “revolution”—the electrification of transportation.
News Highlight Charles Allen: TPB's five initiatives for a better regional transportation system Feb 7, 2018 In this Washington Business Journal article, Transportation Planning Board Chair and D.C. Councilmember Charles Allen shares five ideas with the potential to significantly improve the region's transportation system.
TPB News Pedestrian and bicycle transportation initiatives would create better regional connections Jan 23, 2018 Two initiatives, endorsed by the TPB at its January meeting, join the five generated by the TPB’s Long Range Plan Task Force to form the basis for Visualize 2045’s aspirational element. These two additional initiatives focus on bicycle and pedestrian projects. The “non-motorized” initiatives supplement the five initiatives focused on other forms of transportation.
News Release Statement by COG Board Chairman Matt Letourneau on Government Shutdown Jan 20, 2018 In the wake of the federal government shutdown, COG Board of Directors Chairman Matt Letourneau stressed the serious impact on the region’s economy and called for a quick resolution to the issue.
News Release, Visualize Transportation Planning Board to study newly proposed regional transportation projects Jan 17, 2018 The TPB approved new additions as well as changes to existing regional transportation projects for inclusion in an air quality analysis. The analysis is the the first step for the projects to become part of the region’s long-range transportation plan, Visualize 2045.