TPB News, Visualize Visualize the future: public forums explore seven big transportation ideas for the region Apr 26, 2018 Back in December and January, the TPB endorsed seven initiatives for a better transportation future. Now, we’re holding nine public forums across the region to get people talking about not only their opinions about the initiatives but also how they imagine the future of transportation in the region.
News Release Metrorail Safety Commission names David L. Mayer CEO Apr 24, 2018 The Metrorail Safety Commission (MSC) unanimously approved David L. Mayer, Ph.D. as the Chief Executive Officer of the new, independent safety body, effective June 4, 2018.
News Highlight COG invites region's residents to experience Anacostia River progress Apr 18, 2018 COG is part of a region-wide effort to honor history and celebrate progress made restoring the Anacostia River and its watershed.
News Release Transportation Planning Board approves funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects in Northern Virginia Apr 18, 2018 The Transportation Planning Board approved more than $5 million in funding for 11 projects in Northern Virginia through the Transportation Alternatives Program. The program provides funding to transportation projects other than traditional highway construction, including bicycle, pedestrian, trail, and Safe Routes to School projects.
News Release Speed a key factor in pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities Apr 17, 2018 Street Smart, a pedestrian and cyclist safety program created in 2002 by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), offers safety tips to prevent pedestrian and bicyclist deaths and injuries in the D.C. metro area. Aimed at getting drivers to slow down, Street Smart’s spring campaign launched April 17 with new transit ads, grassroots outreach, and partnerships with law enforcement.
TPB News, Visualize Drivers, transit riders, and people who walk and bike said reliability influences their travel choices the most Apr 10, 2018 Reliability is the main factor that influences how people in the region make their transportation choices. Last summer, the TPB conducted a public input survey to gather general attitudes and opinions about transportation in the region. The survey’s purpose was to better understand what factors influence people’s travel choices, what affects their travel experiences, and what they would like to see in the future. The results will be used to inform the TPB’s planning process.
News Release, Visualize TPB seeks public participation in upcoming transportation forums Apr 10, 2018 The TPB is holding nine forums across the region to gather public input for Visualize 2045, a new long-range transportation plan for the National Capital Region. The input will help elected leaders and regional planners better understand public attitudes and opinion as they make decisions about the region’s transportation future.
News Highlight Heart of COG: Daniel Son Apr 4, 2018 For almost ten years, Daniel Son has worked to help make the metropolitan Washington region’s transportation system more environmentally efficient and sustainable. As a Transportation Engineer at COG, Son analyzes air quality and vehicle emissions data to help local leaders plan for the region’s transportation future.
News Release Commercial construction slows in metropolitan Washington, COG Reports Apr 2, 2018 The report looks at trends in location, type, and size of new commercial development – completed non-residential projects, including office, retail, industrial, healthcare, and hospitality properties – in metropolitan Washington.
News Highlight National Capital Region to test wireless emergency alerts system on April 5 Mar 28, 2018 COG is helping coordinate twenty jurisdictions in the region to simultaneously issue a test message to the public through the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) system on Thursday, April 5, between 10-11 a.m.